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2013: A Year of War and Silver

World War III is under way. It is not about nukes in Iran or terrorists in Afghanistan, or oil in Iraq. In the end, it boils down to food and the destruction of Everyman’s net worth – in other words, money. World Wars occur because the moneychangers deprive Everyman of his ability to provide for himself and his family.

The so-called Arab Spring is a case in point. It began, if you remember, on Dec. 17, 2010, when a 26-year-old Tunisian produce seller, Mohamed Bouazizi, died by setting himself on fire after authorities seized his cart because he didn’t have a vendor’s license. He preferred death to being deprived of his living. Riots ensued, toppling Tunisia’s president. Violence spread quickly from Tunis to Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria and Libya.

The mainstream media would have you believe that the people of these Mideastern and North African nations were demanding democracy. That’s a red herring. What they are willing to fight and die for is their right to feed their famlies.

So what about Iraq and Iran? Why did the United States invade Iraq, and why is it sword-rattling at Iran? Again, it’s about money. Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, while a butcher and a despot, certainly was no worse than some African regimes we ignore. Hussein drew our military attentions because he decided, in 2000, to defy the U.S. petrodollar and sell his country’s oil for Euros, not U.S. dollars, and was developing a currency based on silver and gold.

Noted William Clark, in 2005: It is now obvious the invasion of Iraq had less to do with any threat from Saddam’s long-gone WMD program and certainly less to do to do with fighting International terrorism than it has to do with gaining strategic control over Iraq’s hydrocarbon reserves and in doing so maintain the U.S. dollar as the monopoly currency for the critical international oil market.

And now Iran is our enemy de jour, not because it habitually invades other countries – it hasn’t done so for more than 200 years, unlike the U.S. and its allies France, Great Britain and Japan, to name a few – but because of Iran’s 2007 decision to accept payment for its oil in non-U.S. Dollar-denominated currencies.

All of these events: two wars, Arab Spring, have their roots in the massive U.S. dollar debasement caused by the printing presses of the U.S. Federal Reserve. Amok, these printing presses have caused massive inflation in the price of oil, corn, wheat, rice, sugar and other human staples outside the U.S. This is why a 26-year-old Tunisian man is willing to set himself on fire. Ask Mohamed Bouazizi’s widow what she thinks of ethanol.

While we focus on Iran’s nukes and Afghanistan’s so-called terrorists, tensions around the world will escalate into World War III as the superpowers jump into the fray. The battle over the U.S. Dollar’s 60 years’ primacy is at hand. In the end, the fiat Dollar (and the fiat Euro, for that matter) will become ashes, but not before thousands, perhaps millions, of decent young men and women have been slain beneath the feet of the moneychangers at the central banks.

Assuming you are not of draft (military conscription) age, how can you shelter your family from the oncoming financial Armageddon? Try a 5,000-year-old solution: physical silver. It doesn’t rot and it doesn’t lie.
By: John Cioffoletti

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