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US Bankers To US Depositors: “Don’t Panic, Nothing To See Here”

While we explained exactly why there is a possibility of a Europe-style wealth tax in the US, it appears the American Banking Association has decided to put out fires early…

While the crisis in Cyprus is a real concern for depositors in Cypriot’s banks, it has no implication for depositors in U.S. institutions. Depositors in U.S. banks are insured up to $250,000 and no insured depositor has ever lost money in a bank failure. The U.S. banking industry has rapidly returned to health with strong earnings, lower losses and significant increases in capital.

The FDIC insurance fund has over $25 billion in reserves and the banking industry – which bears all the financial costs of supporting the FDIC – pays over $12.3 billion each year to assure adequate funding.

Simply put, U.S. insured depositors are safe and their deposits are protected by a strong FDIC fund, a financially secure banking system and the full faith and credit of the U.S.
So, it seems, the basis for not worrying about US deposits is the rule of law and the deposit insurance? Remind us again what Cypriots thought they had?


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