With continued uncertainty in global markets, today King World News interviewing the man who has been in the gold and silver business for over 40 years, and what he said about where the price of the metals are headed was fascinating.
Eric King: “Bill, I know you’ve had many smaller gold and silver sell orders taking place recently. You’ve been watching these markets for decades. What do those type of sell orders tell you?
Bill Haynes, founder of CMI Gold & Silver: “Eric, based on my four decades of being in the gold and silver business, when we see these type of small sell orders coming in at these type of levels that means there will be a significant surge in prices. What I am saying is that, despite the large commercial short positions, something is going to happen that is going to cause some serious upside price action in gold and silver, and also for some big buying to come into these markets.
Right now the so-called experts are telling people that the prices of gold and silver are going to stall in here and we are going to see a drawback in price because they’ve had a nice rally. But I’m telling you that when these types of sell orders are taking place the price is not going to drawback much at all. In fact, I firmly believe that gold and silver prices are going much higher from here.
And prices over the long-term are headed much, much higher. We are headed for another round of massive money printing programs all over the world, and people inherently know that is wrong and that’s why we are seeing many new people now coming into the gold and silver markets. We are literally picking up new customers every single day at this point.”
King World News
April 26, 2016