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John Embry – The Charade Is About To End And The Implications For The Public Are Horrifying

As the world digests the propaganda released from the Federal Reserve about their preposterous plan to reduce their balance sheet, today John Embry told King World News that the charade is about to end and the implications for the public are horrifying.

The Implications Are Horrifying
John Embry:  “Eric, at this point the manipulation of all markets has become so blatant and the lying about the economy so intense that one has to wonder what is really going on behind the curtain…

John Embry continues:  “One issue that is being discussed with greater frequency, although never mentioned in the mainstream media, is the subject of de-dollarization.  Stephen Leeb has done an excellent job on KWN discussing the subject.  However, the true ramifications of this for the Western world cannot be understated.  The U.S. has benefitted enormously from their privileged position of providing the world’s reserve currency since the Bretton Woods agreement in 1944.  The U.S. has abused this privilege terribly, living far beyond its means while flooding the world with increasingly more worthless U.S. dollars.

The Rest Of The World Is Waking Up
But the rest of the world is waking up to this unpleasant reality and taking steps to address it.  When the U.S. dollar loses its status as the world’s reserve currency, and that day is rapidly approaching, the implications for the vastly over-indebted bottom 75 percent of the American public are horrifying.  At least half the population is already living day-to-day, with a virtual inability to meet an unexpected expenditure and absolutely no retirement savings to speak of.

When This Ends…
Thus, the Western central banks are working overtime, in unison, to extend the current fantasy as long as possible.  Interest rates are being held at ridiculously low levels, which are totally at odds with the rapid debasement of all global fiat currencies.  Stock markets are being supported at historically overvalued levels.  And real estate continues to be a major beneficiary of these developments.  When this ends, and it most assuredly will, the living standards in the West will be devastated, and then we will find out how well Western society holds together.

About The Gold & Silver Takedown…
As part of this whole exercise, gold and silver are being relentlessly suppressed in the paper markets in London and the United States.  You could see the recent takedown coming as Open Interest on the Comex grew relentlessly as the bullion banks, who are acting as agents for the Western central banks, shorted enormous quantities of paper contracts in order to halt the rally.  At the same time, they trotted out their agents in the media and elsewhere to spread their usual disinformation.

But the Eastern hemisphere is on to this fraud being perpetrated by the Western central banks and they are relentlessly buying physical gold, while rapidly taking steps to dethrone the U.S. dollar.  When the dollar is finally dethroned, investors who have large physical gold and silver holdings as well as their respective shares will be the ones who survive because these assets will be one of the few ports in a violent financial storm.”

King World News

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