As we noted last week, all around the world the demand for physical precious metals has soared in the days following paper gold's price collapse. As the FT reports, from Shanghai... read more
“Gold is freeing itself as an emancipation process from the gold banks control via paper gold that has no gold whatsoever involved in it.  The thralldom of the gold price ends when the Evil Kings of Gold, the Gold Banks, are clearly proven to have no gold clothes on.   The emancipation of gold from paper is now in progress as physical demand increases unperturbed, and rather pleas... read more
By: Mickey Fulp O Gold! I still prefer thee unto paper, Which makes bank credit like a bark of vapour. Lord Byron, 1815.   It was 1:30 am on Thursday March 28 on the West Coast of North America. Still jet-lagged a week following my return from Asia, I awoke after a mere three hours sleep to an epiphany.   The thought evidently coincided with the t... read more
The huge dumping of paper gold and the subsequent sales out of the big GLD gold ETF of last week do seem to have generated remarkable buying momentum for both gold and silver, with prices recovering from their nadirs of around $1350 for gold and $22.70 for silver. There had been some decent recovery by the end of last week, but markets surged again when they opened in Asia this morning and t... read more
A few weeks ago, we wrote of the Swiss People's Party's efforts to gain enough signatures to force the Swiss National Bank (SNB), who 'supposedly' guarantees the price stability in Switzerland, to stop selling its gold reserves. This last week, as  read more
Over a dozen states are now considering moving from a paper currency to a gold standard as a monetary policy. Arizona is now the closest state in the running to having a “legal tender” bill passed to offer its citizens a legal alternative to dollars: American gold and silver coins. As recently as last week, the Arizona House of Representatives approved a bill that would make gold and silver... read more
When volatility prevails in the gold market, I love seeing so many different opinions because it promotes critical thinking and healthy markets. But because gold is unlike any other commodity, many perspectives can be extreme, such as “goldenfreudes” who take pleasure in gold bugs’ pain. read more
It's not that the price is different, per se.   When gold crashed on Monday, dragging market prices down to a low of $1321.50 an ounce from levels around $1560 only days before, holders of physical gold saw the value of their holdings decline as well. However, we've seen a lot of claims that somehow there's a difference between the market for physical gold (people buying gold bars... read more
Fundamental and technical factors for gold are now in total harmony and gold is entering a virtuous circle that will drive the price up at its fastest pace since this bull market started in 1999.
  • It is a fact that gold in US dollars (and many other currencies) has gone up 400% in eleven years or 16% per annum annualised.
  • It is a fact that the US dollar ha... read more
Explanations for this gold selloff abound everywhere in the mainstream media and nearly all of them are inane and incorrect.  The silliest among all the reasons offered for the current bear market in gold is that Bernanke has recently morphed into a form of Paul Volcker; even though he has maintained the Fed’s zero percent interest rate policy and massive money printing continues unabated. ... read more