Today Jim Sinclair told King World News the world is about to witness a stunning shift in the US government and Fed gold policy. This remarkable change in strategy will shock investors and professionals around the globe as the Fed’s policy of gold manipulation will undergo a radical transformation. Below is what Sinclair, who was once called on by former Fed Chairma... read more
Today a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury warned King World News that the Federal Reserve’s recent market interventions are a clear sign that there is something desperate going on behind the scenes. Former Assistant of the US Treasury, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, also cautioned KWN that the Fed is trying to maintain control so the whole scheme doesn’t blow up.
Dr. Roberts: “A... read more
The enduring myth of the post-2008 era is that central-planning money printing and deficit spending would soon spark a self-sustaining recovery. Once consumers and businesses stepped up their own borrowing and spending, the central bank and state would then pare back money printing and deficit spending, as the increase in private-sector spending would fuel further borrowing and spe... read more
L: Doug, there is considerable disagreement over the significance of the Cyprus crisis. A lot of people are saying that it's just a flash in the pan; Cyprus is a small country, far off, and doesn't really matter. Other people are saying it's very significant. The European Central Bank took unprecedented steps. What do you think?
Doug: I think this could be the spark t... read more
By now most people are aware of the events unfolding in Cyprus. The financial world was rocked by the announcement that the “Troika” of the European Central Bank (ECB), International Monetary Fund (IMF), and European Commission (EC) decided to give the tiny island of Cyprus an ultimatum – either pay a 9.9 percent wealth tax on deposits over 100,000 euros, or leave the EU. This tax would b... read more
You’ve heard rumors and reports of all the physical gold and silver that is headed to the landfill every year via discarded electronics- but just how much gold, silver, and platinum is really in your iPhone or tablet?
According to Ken Beyer, CEO of the Electronics Recycling Company, there is in fact more gold in a pound of electronics than in a pound of rich gold ore.
Forget South Africa, i... read more
Today Jim Sinclair spoke with King World News about what he believes will create the “Mother of all financial crises.” He also discussed the coming collapse and the desperate government intervention taking place in key markets. Below is what Sinclair, who was once called on by former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker to assist during a Wall Street crisis, had to say.
<... read more
Curious why so little has been said about cash flowing out of Italy's banks, especially when even UniCredit's CEO today proudly warned everyone he is all for confiscating uninsured deposits as long as "everyone else is doing it" - and no, he is not kiddin... read more
There might come a time when prudent savers would want to protect themselves from the twin risks of a global banking crisis and a loss of purchasing power of paper currencies. The first of these two risks is now upon us, and it is important that everyone with savings to protect is aware of what is happening to banks and their bank accounts. By the time this is fully understood by the media it m... read more
It is a common refrain amongst gold aficionados that one ounce of gold has always and will always maintain the ability to purchase one "decent men's suit." Hence the notion that gold will always maintain a constant purchasing power. Judged by this metric, let's find out how one ounce of gold has done for the last 212 years.
I have no personal bias for or against gold, but the merits of maint... read more