PHOENIX - State senators voted Wednesday to make gold and silver legal tender in Arizona.
The proposal, SB 1439, stems from concerns of some that the paper money printed by the Federal Reserve Bank is losing value.
They persuaded Sen. Chester Crandell, a Heber Republican, to give privately minted gold and silver coins the same legal status to pay bills, at least in Arizona.
A disdainfu...
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Silver is especially attractive because it functions as a precious metal in that maintains its value over long periods of time. Yet it is also an industrial metal that is consumed, and demand for silver by producers of computers, mobile devices, photovoltaic cells, and water purification systems is rising rapidly.
In this article I detail the reasons for which I am bullish on the price of si...
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Via Mark J. Grant, author of Out of the Box,
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us,... read more
Egon von Greyerz, founder of (Matterhorn Asset Management AG) and member of the board of directors of stated that the Fed may increase QE a shocking ten times in coming years. He also provided a fantastic gold chart.
As we discussed last week I was expecting gold to make a low this week. So far we had a closing low on Wednesday at around $1,564. We will se...
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US Senator Sounds the Alarm on Future of Gold: $24,000 an Ounce
As regular readers know, our strategy is to buy gold and silver now when it’s cheap, wait for the dollar to take a nosedive, and watch as the whole world moves its wealth into these two precious metals looking for security.
But is gold still cheap? And could it really go as high as $24,000?
We think so, an...
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Gold used to be the main exchange currency in Europe, but soon after World War I governments ditched it. Now, amid unstable financial times and economic woes, gold is once again a safe haven for investors, as Russia Today’s Peter Oliver explains in the video below.
Paper Money Kaput?
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By 1789, a lot of French people were starving. Their economy had long since deteriorated into a weak, pitiful shell. Decades of unsustainable spending had left the French treasury depleted. The currency was being rapidly debased. Food was scarce, and expensive.
Perhaps most famously, though, the French monarchy was dangerously out of touch with reality, historically enshrined with the quip,...
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This article will show how that suppression takes place. Those familiar with the gold market will likely find nothing new. The third article will examine the implications of this suppression and support the claim of the gold bugs, namely that physical gold will trade at a premium over fiat gold or gold paper is also not a conspiracy theory, but the logical outcome of the current paradigm.
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At a recent meeting of the American Economic Association a vote was held about whether or not the United States should back its currency with gold. Not surprisingly, 100% of mainstream economists educated by our most prestigious universities were against such a measure.
From the top down, there is a cult-like belief that our paper monetary system is absolute and infallible.
Yet, as we ha...
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In the last five years, we have seen the start of the decline of the developed world and the real impact of the economic rise of China on that world. What lies ahead? James Wolfensohn, the ex-president of the World Bank gave a short lecture in which he forecasts what the worlds cash flows would be like in 2030:
·For the last century and far more, 80% of the cash flow of the world flowed t...
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