Paul Mladjenovic | April 24, 2012 - 6:43am Facebook Twitter Forward Print Copyright 2012. Paul Mladjenovic. All rights reserved. In late 2008, when silver was massacred in the futures pit and saw its price fall from over $20 to under $10, I told my readers at that time that silver entered into a “reverse bubble”. I know it sounds odd, but let me re-visit the concept. As you kn... read more
There are a nine prevalent myths and false arguments that bankers and their puppet commercial investment firms have used to keep people from buying physical gold and physical silver over the years (remember the paper GLD and the paper SLV is NOT a proxy for physical gold and physica... read more
Wall Street is buzzing about the annual report just put out by the Dallas Federal Reserve. In the paper, Harvey Rosenblum, the head of the Dallas Fed's research department, bluntly calls for the breakup of Too-Big-To-Fail banks like Bank of America, Chase, and Citigroup. The government's bottomless sponsorship of these TBTF institutions, Rosenblum writes, has created a "residue of distr... read more
By Jerry Bowyer In the previous article in this series I pointed out that even after recent dramatic sell-offs gold prices are still higher than one would expect if one saw them as being driven only by money creation. And this state of affairs has been sustained for a perio... read more
COLUMBIA, S.C. -- South Carolina residents would be able to use gold and silver coins as currency under a bill advanced Tuesday by a House panel. The measure approved by the House Judiciary Committee would let people use the precious metals as money as long as businesses agree to take them. Legislators had made the argument that they didn't want to force businesses to take the metals... read more
Gold’s London AM fix this morning was USD 1,694.75, EUR 1,291.44, and GBP 1,082.63 per ounce. Yesterday's AM fix was USD 1,705.25, EUR 1,299.93 and GBP 1,088.57 per ounce. Click here or on video to watch... read more
Gold rose to $1,700 last week and is holding that level in a very tight trading range. The last few weeks have seen a larger consolidation pattern forming, pointing to a much bigger consolidating pattern that implies far more than just a short-term trading move just ahead of us. The forces that drive both supply and demand in the very short-term are just about in balance, so it is appr... read more
More and more investors are asking this question. Many observers and commentators have ridiculed this idea as archaic with the conditions that led to the confiscation being so different as to leave such a possibility as remote as the return o... read more
It can be difficult to grasp that under a gold standard there is no "price" of gold. We're used to gold being expressed in dollars but what if a dollar was gold? What if you wanted to buy wheat or steel with gold? If dollars were gold these things would be valued not in dollars but in terms of gold. We wouldn't care about the price of gold; we would instead want to know ho... read more
Gold's London AM fix this morning was USD 1,698.00, EUR 1,286.17, and GBP 1,073.60 per ounce. Friday's AM fix was USD 1,714.50, EUR 1,292.99, and GBP 1,076.14 per ounce. Cross Currency Table - (Bloomberg) Gold fell $3.10 in New York Friday and closed at $1,711.60/oz. Gold fell in Asia prior to modest price falls in Europe which has gold now trading at $1,... read more