Earlier today we presented Bloomberg's Chart of the Day which represented the GDP and Debt per capita on a historical and projected basis, and we hysterically, and tongue-in-cheekly, dubbed it "the scariest chart ever" because it confirmed that at some point, very soon, US Debt will surpass GDP and never look back. We decided to dig into the actual numbers (cancelling out the per capital denomi...
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Will our National Debt be trillions higher than today in a few years? If you think the answer is yes, than buying physical gold today is a good idea. It’s that simple. Just look at the chart.
“Gold was not selected arbitrarily by governments to be the monetary standard. Gold had developed for many centuries on the free market as the best money; as the commodity providing...
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It could then be that this is the top of the stock market, which is fundamentally very overpriced. The latest rallies are the result of statements by French President Sarkozy and German chancellor Mrs. Merkel that a financial solution is at hand for Europe. This announcement named the end of the month as the date for release of this information. Thus far there has been no furthe...
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No sense in mincing words tonight. The CFTC has finally acted and silver is headed significantly higher. Maybe not tomorrow but soon. Very soon.
Position limits in silver will soon be enforced. Yes, there will be delays. Yes, there may even be legal challenges brought by The Cartel. However, there is a very high likelihood that, on a beautiful day in 2012, JPM et al will finally cede control...
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The most scathing report describing in exquisite detail the coming financial apocalypse in Europe comes not from some fringe blogger or soundbite striving politician, but from perpetual bulge bracket wannabe, Jefferies and specifically its chief market strategist David Zervos. “The bottom line is that it looks like a Lehman like event is about to be unleashed on Europe WITHOUT an effecti...
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America is getting poorer. The U.S. government has just released a bunch of new statistics about poverty in America, and once again this year the news is not good. According to a special report from the U.S. Census Bureau, 46.2 million Americans are now living in poverty. The number of those living in poverty in America has grown by 2.6 million in just... read more
(Reuters) - Record gold prices, rather than denting China's enthusiasm for bullion, have emboldened investors to plough more money into gold bars and riskier bullion-based derivatives.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="450" caption="An employee adjusts a gold necklace on a displaying model near glass cases containing gold figurines at a gold shop in Wuhan, Hubei province August 25, 201...
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We are steamrolling toward a massive global debt meltdown, and at this point world leaders seem to be all out of solutions. Over the last 30 years or so, the greatest debt bubble in the his...
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STOP! WHAT IS MONEY? The money that the world uses today is created by private banks lending non-existent money called credit. This credit has never, does not, and will never exist, except in theory on computer screens. People starve and die all because they do not have enough digits on a computer screen. All of this credit, created by the private banks, is owed back to th...
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The presentation of economist and former banker Alasdair Macleod to GATA's Gold Rush 2011 conference in London, titled "Beyond the Tipping Point,"
Ladies and Gentlemen
I am going to give you an over-view of what is happening to money. My conclusion is that we are heading for a collapse of paper-money, or put another way, we are heading for hyperinflation. This is the fundamental justific...
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