You should let the video footage of the wild violence that just took place in London burn into your memory because the same things are going to be happening all over the United States as the economy continues to crumble. We have raised an entire generation of young people with an "entitlement mentality", but now the economy is producing very few good jobs that will actually enable our young pe...
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As we've noted several times over the past several weeks, the fundamental backdrop of precious metals market remains extremely firm with a plethora of global monetary and fiscal issues producing massive tailwinds for both gold and silver, and we continue to believe long precious metals remains the best bet in all financial markets at this time. What we'd like to add to this thesis now is that w...
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Those that are familiar with my writings about gold and silver for the last six years know that I have said gold was cheap at $500, $600, $700, $800, $1000 and $1,200 a troy ounce and know that I have said silver was cheap at $11, $12, $14, $16, $25, and $30 a troy ounce. Today, I will reiterate that gold is still cheap in the $1500 to $1600 range and that silver is still cheap in the $40 range...
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Many deep dilemmas face investors of Gold & Silver. First and foremost we feel an urgent need to defend ourselves against a crippled corrupted USDollar. The level of debilitation cannot be adequately put in words, as it has lost perhaps 70% of its value just since 1980 when the Jackass entered the workforce after years at the university. The USEconomy cannot be rebuilt or sustained on bond frau...
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For more than 25 years, I have closely studied the silver market from a supply/demand and market structure perspective. For almost 15 years before that, I traded silver, along with other commodities, as a commodity and stock broker. In all those 40 years, I have tried to avoid analyzing silver in the context of it being an asset of last resort in a world financial crisis. Not because silver is...
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I outlined last week the increasingly bullish consensus among analysts about gold stocks. The same pattern exists with gold itself; growing numbers of analysts have either joined the movement or have upped their bullish outlook.
The following comments and developments have all been reported just this month. It presents quite a convincing case when one strings them together like this. Keep in...
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Fraud the cause of the credit crisis, fraud stalls the recovery, Greece crisis spreads to Italy, Euro zone bound to failure, US debt rating to be revised, debt ceiling to be raised again, Municipal credit ratings also downgraded, harmony in the system is coming to an end soon.
As we have said for many years crime on Wall Street, in banking and in corporate America pays. One just neith...
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Silver Shield,
Don't Tread On Me --
We are going to see a huge shift in silver investor mentality. (By the looks of today’s action it could be today.) Silver buyers will no longer be “nerdy” guys talking about Austrian Economics or “momentum m...
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Debt-based fiat money, which implies never ending debt and constant inflation, is not a sound, stable or sustainable monetary system. Major economic problems today, such as rising global commodity prices and the sovereign debt crisis, are not aberrations or inherent problems of capitalism, but are the inevitable consequences of a centrally planned system that, by design, produces never ending i...
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Sorry to be gloomy, but there it is.
Why? Here are 10 reasons.
Wall Street's grim future
Wall Street is hit by another round of layoffs. What will a post–Dodd-Frank Wall Street will look like?
1. We are learning the wrong lessons from the last one.Was the housing bubble really caused by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the Community Reinvestment Act, Barney Frank, Bill Clinton, “liberal...
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