Every few years, a tremendous opportunity arises. The autumn months of 2007 and the autumn months of 2008 offered such an opportunity to buy silver. That $11 silver price is long gone. Many smart folks seized it. Whatever can be said on such silver platters applies almost equally to gold. The silver sprint gains are typically much larger than the gold steady gains. The coming autumn months will... read more
Individual silver investors around the world have had enough of the manipulation and market rigging that takes place in the silver market exchanges. The COMEX and LME are the largest and most corrupt of these exchanges. These exchanges collude with the large bullion banks to destroy all other participants in the silver market and it is now TIME to remove ourselves from their control. We call on... read more
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- How should the United States deal with its growing debt problem? Ron Paul thinks declaring "bankruptcy" might be a good idea. The Texas congressman and Republican presidential candidate was discussing Greece's fiscal trouble with Iowa radio host Jan Mickelson on Monday when he was asked, "If bankruptcy is the cure for Greece, is it also the cure for the United States?"... read more
The entire U.S. financial system has become a gigantic shell game. While it is still in motion, a shell game can be mesmerizing to watch. But when it ends the consequences can be painful. So exactly what is a shell game? According to Wikipedia, a shell game "is portrayed as a gambling game, but in reality, when a wager for money is made, it is a confidence trick used to perpetrate fraud."... read more
Author: Lawrence Williams LONDON - As the implications of the global financial crisis are at long last beginning to filter through to the general public, the move to dump cash and other savings forms in favour of gold and silver - notably in the easily accessible and sellable coin form is now really beginning to gather momentum and is becoming a major driver o... read more
Charles Gave is the French economist whose research firm GaveKal is fairly well known, and read in some hedge fund circles. In his latest note, John Mauldin reports on a dinner he attended with several investors and experts, of which Gave was one. At the dinner, he predicted the Euro's imminent demise. Will the Euro Survive? We had dinner on Monday night at the home of Hervig Von Hove... read more
David Morgan on the Global Economy, Inflation, Recession and Where Silver Is Headed Sunday, May 15, 2011 – with Anthony Wile David Morgan The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with David Morgan (left). Introduction: David Morgan is a widely recognized analyst in the precious metals industry and consults for hedge funds, high net worth investors, mining companies,... read more
“There are two kinds of people in the world, my friend. Those who have a rope around their neck and those who have the job of doing the cutting.” – Tuco – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly The economic peril that we find ourselves confronted with, has been ninety-eight years in the making. The confluence of debt, demographics, delusion, and denial has left the country at the precipice o... read more
by Greg McCoach Get ready. We are now entering the final stages in the collapse of the U.S. dollar... And it's not going to be pretty. The massive increases in money supplies will tank the value of the dollar and erode the very fabric of America's economic security. As a result, gold and silver prices are will no doubt skyrocket, despite the short-term major volatility we've recently seen.... read more
I was at a going away party recently, and it was borderline surreal for me at a personal level, a kind of animated, wine and hors d'oeuvres, guitar playing, coastal South American vignette, as synecdoche for the broader, kaleidoscopic, global scene, zoomed in close on a tight hybrid-impressionist-cubist focus, the whole thing scrutinized in technicolor and surround sound by a reeling man tumbli... read more